I am running a job on AIX 64-bit with DataStage V8.1 installed. The DataStage job failed with following error messages (refer to screen attached):
Fatal Error: Need to be able to open at least 16 files; please check your ulimits settings for number of file descriptors
1. Check the value for ulimits in dsenv is set to 102400 or higher. If not, change the value of ulimits and do a restart on DataStage engine. Command to restart DataStage engine as below:
• cd $DSHOME/
• . ./dsenv
• bin/uv admin –stop
• bin/uv admin -start
2. Login using root and check /etc/security/limits. Look for value of nofiles and nofiles_hard in that file. If the value is lower than 102400 then modify it to 102400 for both of the entries. Add the entries if there are not in the limits file.
To resolve the problem, both of the steps must be applied in dsenv and root level.