Tuesday, September 23, 2008

DataStage Error - [General repository interface 'other error']

Today,one of my DataStage job that is scheduled to be run everyday suddenly failed and below is the error message that I captured in DataStage Director.

jobControlForEntity..JobControl (@JA_loadETLStreamFromRelationship): Controller problem: Error calling DSRunJob(loadETLStreamFromRelationship), code = -99
[General repository interface 'other error']

When I saw this error message, I really have no clues on why this error message is thrown as the job is running without fail all the time. Anyway, after spending a couple of hours to debug it and I managed to resolve this.

  1. Create a new copy of the loadETLStreamFromRelationship by right click on the job and select Create Copy. A new job with the name CopyOfloadETLStreamFromRelationship is created.
  2. Change the job sequence to invoke the new copy of the job which is CopyOfloadETLStreamFromRelationship.
  3. Recompile and re-run the job. Now the job running fine without throwing any errors as stated above.
  4. Delete the previous job loadETLStreamFromRelationship.
  5. Rename the new copy of the job to become loadETLStreamFromRelationship and change back the sequence to invoke the loadETLStreamFromRelationship.

Hope this helps.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Error Encountered in Cognos 8.3 with Oracle XE

Below is the error message that I encountered when trying to run a report in Cognos.

CNC-MON-0024 Monitor Service paging error: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:XE

I am not too sure what is the actual cause of this error but below is the way that I solved it.

Launch SQL Plus and issue the the command as below:

SQL> connect / as sysdba;
SQL> shutdown immediate;
Database closed.
Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 285212672 bytes
Fixed Size 1287016 bytes
Variable Size 96472216 bytes
Database Buffers 184549376 bytes
Redo Buffers 2904064 bytes
Database mounted.

SQL> alter system set job_queue_process=20;
System altered.

SQL> alter system set PROCESSES=100 scope=SPFILE;
System altered.

SQL> alter system set open_cursors=300 scope=both;
System altered.

SQL> alter database open;
Database altered.

SQL> alter system disable restricted session;
System altered.

Hope this may helps. :)